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4- Open an Adsense Account

The method of opening an Adsense account in the shortest period of time, I explained the method more than once, but many people still ask me where to find the method, so I am sharing it with you again.

First, my dears, you must have a website and a domain, or you can use Blogger,but it is better to have a website and hosting, and it is in a specific niche. Now we have a site that we need for exclusive content that Google loves. Here lies the secret that I will talk about, which is bringing high-quality content that Google loves and accepts you. Do it in less than a week without buying articles or a writer who writes articles for you. We enter Amazon and search for Kindle books in a specific niche, for example, recipes for kindle books. Please, it is not a condition that you choose the same niche. There are thousands of niches. Paid by $1 to $5 You can even download the paid one. Just search for a way to download Kimdel books in Google.

Now you have chosen the niche and searched for a book on Amazon that is kindle. Download it now and start the process of filling your site with articles from the book. Let's say the field of cooking. Copy Many articles to your site from the Kindle book, and now you have a website and more than exclusive content. What do you do now?
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Now you open the Essence website and register your name, address, and and then put your wonderful site with good content without taking the trouble to search for a writer and and all of this? The idea is simple no? So now there is no excuse for you to open an Adsense account, because believe me, working on the Internet is not a complicated thing and does not need to complicate everything simple. Believe me, you will not find someone who spoke to you about this method.