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8- Profit From Adsense Arbitrage

Today we are talking about Creatives Ad, our advertisement, as we know that after a period of running your ad campaign, the price of a funded Facebook ad will increase, whether your campaign was copied from a competitor, or because your ad has become normal, or your target audience has seen the same or similar ad before a lot.

What I did after experimenting and I will give it to you today directly in order to give your ad a new push or a marketing method that is not like the regular one that advertisers use and is 1000% tested in lowering the price of a click on Facebook and making the ad credible and has value for the recipient (your audience).

I will summarize some points In order not to prolong you, and you must apply it directly in your advertising campaign ✅ Use vector images or cartoon images of the niche that you are working on instead of the real image, meaning, for example, if we come to the Pets niche, you may use a real cat or dog image or video instead of that, use a vector image cartoon.

Why should I use vectors images? Because it simply gives a funded Facebook advertisement more credibility than the real live images because the consumer on Facebook has become saturated with real images and the way the same topics are presented, and this type of image has a low percentage of rejection by the ad algorithm.

As for the live images, it can be an image that makes The consumer is disgusted and makes a report for the advertisement, and in the end you are the loser, and this type of image has a better score Relevancy than normal images, because it has a different effect on the consumer than live images, and after my experience of this type for a long time, the percentage of cpc decreased by 50% compared to regular images that I used to use it, and you can edit these images in Photoshop and make the consumer confused, and this raises ctr and does not affect the score relevancy because we are dealing with a picture cartoon,

it is not a real picture that you can edit, because the consumer does not believe the picture at all, and the percentage of participation in this type of publication is much greater From regular images, therefore, you win more than traffic organic, and now we come to the advertising headline, we all know that consumer awareness is developing every day, and this means that he knows what the media is fake and what is real, useful, informative, and let us win With the consumer's interest in Facebook and the increase in the ctr ratio, we must attract his attention to a funded Facebook advertisement through the following tricks:

Try using the following characters () { } [ ] in your title or around an interesting word in your title Example: Amazing Dog Bread in Miami 10

  1. You should go to adsense settings
  2. Then you go for authorization and access
  3. Then you go for user management
  4. [10 Amazing Dog Breads in Miami]
  5. [Amazing] Dog Breads in Miami! [INTERESTING] 10
  6. [AMAZING]
  7. [most wanted]

And you have complete freedom to play with words, and in this way you will make the consumer focus on a funded Facebook ad.